Where am I heading?

10:09 PM

Photo taken from: www.careerchange.co.nz

One of the things discussed in our Business Ethics class is about career planning. Career planning is important because it enables us to assess all factors in our life and identify what factors should we focus on, which is our goals.  In the class, in order to decide for our goals, it is recommended that we evaluate ourselves using SWOT analysis – we determine our strengths and weaknesses to know what are the possible opportunities and threats for ourselves.  After we decided what goals we are taking in, we then determine what steps should we take and gather all the resources we need. As part of class requirement, we are then asked to make a 25 year life plan.

Reflecting on the discussion we had in the class, I now came up with my goal in mind:

25 years from now, I want to be a mentor. Assuming that I already achieve a lot of knowledge in investment through my work experience, it’s now time to share my knowledge to others. Financial literacy to low income groups is one of the things that I want to contribute to society.   

But while having those plans in mind, I need to determine first my Mission. A mission statement is a declaration of what a person needs to be doing. Even if we divert and shift to another plan, our mission will always be our guide in our choices. Stated below my own personal mission:

Personal Mission Statement
As a Lasallian business leader, my mission is to enhance my knowledge and skills that God has given me, and to be a well-rounded person, capable of providing assistance to the poor, mentoring others, and spreading kindness to everyone. 

As stated in the class, personal mission statement is where we affirm and declare what we were uniquely created to do with our life.  My mission statement will serve as a constant reminder for myself of what my purpose in life is. This will motivate me whenever I encounter difficulties in achieving my goals, and will help me in every decision I make.

Along with our Mission is our Vision. Vision serves to give us a glimpse of what we want ourselves to become in the future. Below is my vision for myself:

Personal Vision Statement
To be a good mentor and leader to others through academic excellence and financial skills that I will acquire through time; and to be a leader of good value, respecting each individual regardless of who they are, in order to inspire others, spread Christianity, and make Jesus be known and loved.

After determining our Mission and Vision, our goals will be the intended fulfillment of it. On our 25 year life plan, we determine our goals and specific timelines for each of these categories: Artistic, Attitude, Career, Education, Family, Financial, Physical, Pleasure, Public Service, and Social.

By the time I finished writing my year plan, I actually realized that things are a lot simpler than what I’ve thought. I clearly stated to myself the timeline and the opportunities that I would take in the future. Although I know that, writing it down is a lot simpler than actually doing it, at least I now know what to do in the future and it is good to have a sense of direction on how I’m going to live my life. 

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