What are my Values?

11:31 PM

Image taken from: www.tyro.com/blog/can-tyros-values-work-under-fast-growth/

The Rokeach Values Survey is a tool that can help us decipher what terminal and instrumental values are important for us. In the class, we are presented with 18 terminal values and 18 instrumental values that we each ranked according to its order of importance for us.

Below are my top 5 values for each.

Terminal Values

These values are the one’s that I want to achieve in my existence: Happiness, Sense of Accomplishment, Family Security, Salvation, and Self-Respect

1. Happiness
Happiness is on top of my priority because I want to be satisfied with life, in a sense that I feel contented and proud of everything I have. Given that there’s a lot of frustrations and disappointments along the way, at the end of the day I want to see myself being able to smile and being cheered up by the people around me. For me, even if I become rich and famous, it does not matter if I’m not happy.

2. Sense of Accomplishment
I want to succeed in life and achieve all the goals I have set for myself. My greatest accomplishment will be for me to be able to live a life dedicated to others. In my 25 year plan, I actually wrote that I want to end up being a mentor, sharing all the experiences and knowledge I acquired through the years. I prioritized this value because by the end of my life, I want to ensure that I have fulfilled my mission and I don’t want to end up being frustrated.  

3. Family Security
One of the reasons why I want to finish my MBA, is for me to be able to provide enough for my family. In our Filipino culture, our family ties are really strong. Family reunions and a get together with relatives are common to our tradition. With that, I actually adopted it, and my goal is to ensure that the needs and security of my family are being provided.

4. Salvation
As a Catholic Christian, I believe in salvation, and I want to be rewarded with eternal life by the time I die. I want to live with God above. Through consistent praying and doing good to others, I believe I can achieve this goal. I prioritized this value because I don’t want to live a meaningless life.

5. Self respect
Self respect is important for me because I believe I can only gain respect from other people if I respect myself. I want to be someone who has a good reputation to society. I want to freely be able to express myself and I want others to accept that.

Instrumental Values

These are my preferred values on how to achieve my above mentioned terminal values: being Intellectual, Ambitious, Responsible, Cheerful, and Honest

1. Intellectual
For me, in order to achieve the terminal values, being equipped with knowledge is really necessary. I want to be a mentor in the future, and I cannot achieve that I’m not intellectually capacitated.   

2. Ambitious
As a young professional, being ambitious is important because it motivates us to do more and to not settle down in mediocrity. Setting goals is one of the things I keep in doing for me to reach my ambitions. For me it is really important to be ambitious and to keep challenging myself in achieving more.

3. Responsible
I want to be responsible in all the things that I do as a citizen, employee, student, and daughter. In all aspects of my life, I’m always mindful of my actions because I know that others will be affected by any incorrect behaviour and decisions I make.  

4. Cheerful
Being cheerful is one thing that I want to be known for. I want to bring happiness to other people. Even if I’m faced out with stressful situations and sadness, as much as possible I want to seek for the silver lining behind the clouds. I know that it is sometimes hard to smile, but I do believe that things happen for a reason and I want to stay positive.

5. Honest
I want to be trustworthy. I don’t want to be labelled as a cheater or liar by others. Once trust is broken, it is hard to rebuild back. And with that, I want to stay honest. Only few people can be trusted and I want to be part of that few. I want to achieve my goals with integrity and refrain from any illegal or immoral actions even if it’s the easiest way.

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